Go back to Alyx and use the staircase. Kill the enemies upstairs ( #99), gather all the items and reprogram the mines with the girl's help as you did before. When going back down, watch out for a sniper who'll try to get you through the window.The mines will come in handy in eliminating the machine gun operator on the other side of the street ( #100). Sniper in one of the windows is more troublesome than him, though. You have to get near the building he's in. Use car wrecks as your coves.
When you're near the windows, throw a grenade in there or use one of the mines.Wait for Alyx to go up and take the sniper's weapon. Approach the fence and use the small ladder ( #101) to get to the other side. The area will be crawling with enemies - don't do anything, though, as Alyx can take them out easily.

Nov 19, 1998 In early 2000, Half-Life, including mods like Counterstrike, were banned in Singapore for excessive violence.There were even reports of LAN shops being raided to this end. Luckily, many of the game's faithful petitioned the ruling, causing it to be overturned shortly thereafter. Half Life 2: Episode One Walkthrough Lowlife. Home Games Half Life 2: Episode One Lowlife Once Alyx catches her breath she'll deactivate this force field. Keep right to find the roadway. Debris such as this cinderblock can help defend against the zombies and head crabs.
Go ahead, killing everyone in your way. You'll reach the armory ( #106), where you'll find a lot of ammo and a Pulse Rifle. When the door's blown out, enemies will enter the room. Kill them all and use the panel on the wall to recharge your energy.After a short walk you'll reach a crossing on which enemy soldiers are trying to kill Antlion queen ( #107). Don't engage into combat until the enemies weaken the monster. Portal 2 reshade. Start to shoot when the armored vehicle gets destroyed.
You can use the barrels laying around to help you defeat the beast, but it's way too fast to easily keep it at distance. Concentrate on using the machine gun - there's a lot of ammo in the crate near here. Enter the elevator and wait for it to fall to the water. Use the Grav Gun to tear the ceiling and swim up.
You'll get to another room ( #114), which also is secured with laser traps. Throw a grenade in there and dive. The explosion won't harm you this way.The door's closed, so use the broken window ( #115). Enter another air vent and go straight ahead. After a while you'll find yourself in the elevator shaft. Jump to the ladder in front of you ( #116) and climb up. Look to the right, and you'll notice another grate ( #117).
Use it to enter another tunnel. After a short walk you'll be above the next room.
Use the Gravity Gun to destroy the grate. It will cause an explosion which will get rid of the barrels and laser traps down there. Jump down and open the fuse box ( #118). Go further, along with Alyx.Destroy laser traps and barrels from a safe distance and prepare for the enemy attack.
When you kill everyone that stands in your way, go up the stairs. Take the crossbow and destroy the supply crates ( #119).
Half Life Episode 1 Walkthrough
Use the Gravity Gun to pull out the plus and go down. The force field is gone and you can go through. You're on the street ( #120). Go ahead, exterminating the enemies. You'll find a rocket launcher by the dead ally's body - don't forget to snatch it. A rebel will point the way for you ( #121).
Follow him and wait until he opens the way to the hideout ( #122).Use the staircase and head up. When a rocket strikes the building, find a planked door ( #123). Get through it using the Gravity Gun and head forth.
When the floor crushes under your weight, get rid of all the enemies. Behind one of the lockers you'll find another door ( #124) - also blocked with a plank. Tear it out and go through. Use the crowbar to destroy the plank that is blocking your way ( #125). Don't go down on the street, but turn left and use the staircase. You'll see another bridge. Kill the enemies in the opposite building and grab or destroy the plank that it blocking the bridge mechanism ( #126).
Half Life Episode 2
Get to the other side.You're in a ruined hospital. At the end of the corridor there's a door labeled Storage ( #127). Now you have to be cautious. There's a lot of enemies in this building, and a gunboat is floating outside. Stick close to the windows ( #128) on the right side to avoid serious damage. The corridor leads to the attic.
You'll end up fighting a gunboat in here. You have an infinite amount of rockets in a crate ( #130), but it still won't be easy - you'll have to target it very carefully. It's best to wait for it to circulate around the building. The gunboat will shoot bullets that will destroy the floor in here. If you fall down, you can return to the upper level using the stairs.
When you finally destroy the enemy, it will crush into the building. Watch out so you don't get harmed in the process. Go down and join Alyx ( #131). Wait until the soldiers blow up the door and go further. Destroy the laser traps and wait for the girl do deactivate the force field ahead. Go forth, exterminating all the enemies in the hospital ( #132).
Destroy all the supply crates and search through the lockers - you'll find a lot of ammo and medicaments.After a short walk you'll be in a room with a hole in the ground ( #133). The floor will collapse under your weight and you'll fall down to the water filled basement. Dive and swim ahead - you'll reach the stairs. There's a door nearby ( #134) which is closed for the moment. Kill the Barnacles hanging on the ceiling and jump to the water through the railing. Swim to the other side of the room. There's a supply crate and a pillar, and on it - a switch ( #135).
Use it to open the door. As you might have guessed, the water is electrified now, so don't enter it. Watch out, as there are also some new Barnacles here. Hit the switch again and look around the room ( #136). You have to find a blue barrel that's somewhere around the door.Grab the barrel with a Grav Gun and dive with it to place it under a metal platform ( #137).
Hit the switch one more time. Run and jump to the other platform ( #138) near the power box, and then get on the pipes ( #139). When you enter a small room, kill the spider and leave through the window ( #140).