Using the install script for packet tracer from backs up the data in my home directory for some reason, before the install starts. Does anyone know why? Here's the script -Update: here are some new outputs from the terminalInstalling into /home/eric/ptcp: cannot stat ‘./Downloads/Windows10InsiderPreviewx64EN-US10074(1).iso.part’: No such file or directorycp: cannot copy a directory, ‘./pt’, into itself, ‘/home/eric/pt/pt’I told it to install to `/home/username/ptIt took my home contents and copied them into that location. Why?It didn't even install. The packettracer file is emptyUpdate: 'Installed' usingsudo sh PacketTracer533i386installer-deb.binsudo./PacketTracer533i386installer-deb.binBut I cannot launch, as the command packettracer closes without any error messages, as does packettracer -help and packettracer -hUpdate: installing libgtk2.0-0:i386 fixed the GUI launch, but not the terminal one. If -e $IDIR ; thenread -p 'It appears that Packet Tracer is already installed. Do you wish to replace it?
Yn ' NEEDREPLACEif '$NEEDREPLACE' = 'y' '$NEEDREPLACE' = 'Y' -z $NEEDREPLACE ; thensudo rm -rf $IDIRelseecho 'Program Terminated'; exit 0fifiThat rm spells trouble. If you install the software in / your system is gone, if you install it in /home/$USER/ you /home/$USER/ is gone. There is NO sanity check here: echo 'You have accepted the terms to the EULA. Packet Tracer will now be installed.' Read -p 'Enter location to install Cisco Packet Tracer or press enter for default /opt/pt: ' IDIRif -z $IDIR ; thenIDIR='/opt/pt'fiIDIR should always add /pt to the input if the user does not insert it themself. They did that for the default, they did not do that for user input.
Autopsy of jane doe watch online. 1- It's late, officer.- Sheriff, you gottaget down here.- We got an on her?- No, sir.No to Paul and Carol.- Who's she?- Well, for now,she's a Jane Doe.You got something?- was stolen.Not a on the outsideof the either.Doesn't look likesomeone in.To me, it likethey were to out.- of death?- How weskip this part tonight?- Come on,this one's a soft ball.- inhalation.- You're methat Mr.
Very very bad.Now from here all things end up in a mess. The reason you see you home being copied is because you did not add the /pt/ part in the input and those idiots did not add it themself.
Here is the tutorial Monday 06 January 2014 Passive wifi presence detection on Raspberry Pi. At Digital Science, we try to get the engineering team out of the office for a Hack Break every year, to give us the opportunity to kick around some ideas and play with new technology. Packet Tracer - Connect to a Wireless Router and Configure Basic Settings. Objectives. Configure a PC to join a wireless network. Test the wireless connection. Introduction In this activity, you will configure a wireless router to accept CompanyLaptop as a wireless client and route its IP packets. Step 1: Prepare the Network.
If mkdir $IDIR /dev/null 2&1; thenif cp -r $SDIR/. $IDIR; thenecho Copied all files successfully to $IDIRfiHere they copy SDIR to IDIR. SDIR is defined as DIR=`dirname $`: 'will retrieve the directory-path name from a pathname ignoring any trailing slashes'. That means the current dir and then 1 up.
Packet Tracer
So they assume here you inserted /home/$USER/pt/ and then want to make a copy of that. Again they forgot to check if what is happening here is sane: this spells trouble since it goes 1 directory back and copies that over. Bad.All should be OK if you pick the default (/opt/pt/).
Mind that the FHS states 3rd party software should be installed in /opt/ and if you stick to that it'll go as intended. But the creator of this should receive a warning: this is a badly written script.
Here are some suggestions:.For Android phones, any network: Root your phone, then install tcpdump on it. Is a tcpdump wrapper that will install tcpdump and enable you to start captures using a GUI. Tip: You will need to make sure you supply the right interface name for the capture and this varies from one device to another, eg -i eth0 or -i tiwlan0 - or use -i any to log all interfaces.For Android 4.0+ phones: uses the USB OTG interface to support packet capture without requiring root. I haven't tried this app, and there are some restrictions on the type of devices supported (see their page).For Android phones: uses the Android VPN service to intercept packets and capture them. I have used this app successfully, but it also seems to affect the performance with large traffic volumes (eg video streaming).For IOS 5+ devices, any network: iOS 5 added a remote virtual interface (RVI) facility that lets you use Mac OS X packet trace programs to capture traces from an iOS device. See for more details.For all phones, wi-fi only:, then run wireshark on the PC.For all phones, wi-fi only: Get that can sniff wi-fi. This has the advantage of giving you 802.11x headers as well, but you may miss some of the packets.Capture using a VPN server: Its fairly easy to using OpenVPN.
You can then route your traffic through your server by setting up the mobile device as and capture the traffic on the server end. Wireshark + OSX + iOS:Great overview so far, but if you want specifics for Wireshark + OSX + iOS:. install Wireshark on your computer. connect iOS device to computer via USB cable.
connect iOS device and computer to the same WiFi network. run this command in a OSX terminal window: rvictl -s x where x is the UDID of your iOS device.
You can find the UDID of your iOS device via iTunes (make sure you are using the UDID and not the serial number). goto Wireshark Capture-Options, a dialog box appears, click on the line rvi0 then press the Start button.Now you will see all network traffic on the iOS device. It can be pretty overwhelming. A couple of pointers:.
don't use iOS with a VPN, you don't be able to make sense of the encrypted traffic. use simple filters to focus on interesting traffic. ip.addr204.144.14.134 views traffic with a source or destination address of http views only http trafficHere's a sample window depicting TCP traffic for for pdf download from