Any person who knows how to make platinum will tell you it’s bad. Firstly allowing people to post whatever price they want on the website then let that become the standard is plain dumb.So your telling me a bunch of people who put their own dumb prices on the market and let other people use that as an average is just bad. Something on there that costs 5p I can sell for 20p this is why all the noobies struggle to make plat becuase they think the price is set in stone.I much prefer nexusstats which uses the averages in the trade chat rather than letting people post dumb prices on a website and call it. Sure, why wouldn't it be?
Riven Mods are a new addition to Warframe and many people will not be able to understand how they are different from other mods and how one can get their hands on them. This Warframe Riven Mods. Price: 56 Trading Volume: 474 All trading offers and prices for 'Rifle Riven Mod (Veiled)'.
The person looking to sell the mod at a cheaper price will get it sold quickly, but that just means that the person selling for 800 will have the whole market to themselves once the other mod is sold. If people aren't willing to pay the higher price, and another seller comes in with a cheaper price, well that just how markets work.Are you implying that it'd be better if both sellers could only sell the mod for 600p (the average of the two)? Because that's artificial market pricing and is pretty shitty from a consumer standpoint. Sure, one of the sellers will be happy, but the guy wanting to sell at 800 and the buyer looking to buy at 400 are both screwed.
Which is bad.
I was trying to buy a Supra Riven yesterday and a dude wanted 200p for one that had +200% crit chance as it's best stat and negative status duration. The Supra has 2.5% base crit chance.
Needless to say I didn't buy it. I did however buy a fairly decent Dread Riven for 100p and a Kohm Riven that can get to 100% status for 80p.The point is they are worth as little or as much as people are willing to buy and sell for. Personally I think 100p for a Riven based purely on the fact I like the weapon is reasonable. Maybe a little more if it already has good stats and/or a good polarity.
Warframe Market Riven Mods Mod
People trying to sell crap rivens for subpar weapons for 200+ is a rip off and even decent rivens for meta weapons for 600+ is just crazy. Each to their own though. You can type WTS PM Offer. That will give you an general idea of what it's worth. Surely someone will offer like 20p (there is always one) and maybe someone even close to 200p.
Warframe Riven Price Calculator
Maybe that person is over buying it and the value is 100p, that's kinda up to you.Personally I feel like riven mods are to expensive consider someone got lucky when they unveiled it. I rarely bother trying to sell them, rather trade them with someone for a riven to my favorite weapons.
It's not like i put any efforts getting one in the first place anyway. Unfortunately, there aren't any set market values for Rivens since they are so randomized.However, a good rule of thumb is to base your asking price off of what stats it offers (damage and multishot being the most popular) as well as the negative stats, if any. Also, the amount of rolls takes a big part. Less rolls, more value as the Kuva cost gets higher each time you reroll it.Lastly, the gun plays a big part too. I can't manage to sell my riven for the Aksomati, but my Simulor Riven with 120% damage and 60% critical damage with no negative effect got me a PM within 10 min lol.