Colt handguns ruled the pistol market in the 1800s, especially their percussion revolvers.With an open mechanism that was both elegant and very resistant to black powder fouling–not to mention Samuel Colt’s brilliant marketing– Colt handguns were legitimate fighting handguns. By the time of the American Civil War (1861-65), the US military’s standard issue pistol was the Colt 1860 Army revolver. The 1860 is half the weight of the previous Walker and Dragoon pistols with the same 44 caliber killing power. But the Civil War was unlike other previous conflicts. In short, it was a war of attribution.

Whoever had the most men and the most arms was going to win. The loss of arms meant that the US Army needed more handguns than what Colt could produce. That lead to a number of revolvers being sent to the front lines– the most popular of which was the Remington New Model Army. It was a revolver so good that it nearly bankrupted the company.
SliX-Shot Nipples are designed Primarily for use with Remington #10 caps. Most CCI #11 and #11 Magnums work also. Available for Uberti, Pietta, Ruger Old Army, Walker and Dragoon percussion revolvers:.36,.44 and.45 Caliber. 1851 through 1861 Models. Compliment your upgrade with our SliX-Hand loading assist lever. The little protrusions on the back side of your revolver’s cylinder where you install the caps are called nipples. Those nipples are replaceable. The nipples on my Pietta 1858 New Army.44 Revolver are threaded (6 x.75mm). If you so desired, you could by replacement nipples, switching from #10 to #11. Dixie Gun Works has a wide selection of nipples.
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What Size Ball For Pietta 1858
Replacement nipples manufactured to fit Italian reproduction Pietta and Uberti revolvers. These are steel nipples with a small base hole exactly like the factory installed nipples. To be used with #10 or #11 size caps and sold in sets of (6) nipples.Work great for Uberti models: 1851 Navy, Baby Dragoon, 1849 Pocket, Wells Fargo, 1860 Army, 1861 Navy, 1862 Pocket Police & Navy, 1858 Remington, 1858 Remington Carbine, and 1873 Black Powder Cattleman.Work great for Pietta models: Paterson, 1851 Navy, 1860 Army, 1861 Navy, 1858 Remington, Dance Navy, Spiller & Burr, and Starr. Replacement nipples manufactured to fit Italian reproduction Pietta and Uberti revolvers. These are steel nipples with a small base hole exactly like the factory installed nipples. To be used with #10 or #11 size caps and sold in sets of (6) nipples.Work great for Uberti models: 1851 Navy, Baby Dragoon, 1849 Pocket, Wells Fargo, 1860 Army, 1861 Navy, 1862 Pocket Police & Navy, 1858 Remington, 1858 Remington Carbine, and 1873 Black Powder Cattleman.Work great for Pietta models: Paterson, 1851 Navy, 1860 Army, 1861 Navy, 1858 Remington, Dance Navy, Spiller & Burr, and Starr.