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Please close the anti-virus software and try again. Some anti-virus software may stop our software becuse it access disk in low level.You may select a folder which is not compatible with our software. Such as network share folder.When try to scan again, please do not recover after finishing scan.After a successful scan, the scan result will be saved.
You can reuse it for a second time.1. Return to main menu2. Click the function you have selected to scan the disk.3. Select the top itemThis method can save a lot of time.
If your recovered files are damaged or corrupted, your files may has been overwritten. You may try the following method to fix them.Method 1:Word Open and Repair.Method 2:If you delete the content, save and close the file finally, you will not be able to recover the deleted content.Anyway, program always save a backup file in the same folder. After closing the file, the backup file will be deleted. Please try to use “Files Recovery” to scan your drive and search for the file which has the same name with your original file.
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For example, your original file is “abc.doc”. You could search for “abc.doc” or “abc1.doc” in the same directory.