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If you are reading this post, you might have faced FRP related issues on a Mediatek device even with professional tools like CM2, NCK, Miracle Box etc.Most new Mediatek powered smartphones come with a secured boot/boot ROM that can’t be controlled with the normal MTK DA(Download Agent) which is always in the official SP flash tool and other Chinese smartphones fixing tools.With the normal MTKAllInOneDA.bin file, you can perform operations on like FRP reset, firmware backup, flashing, read security codes etc on MTK devices.But this isn’t possible on devices with a secured boot device. Trying this will give you errors all through unless you find a way of getting through it directly on the phone. Most CM2 users would have seen this error:Operation: Format FileSystem v1.58 1. Power Off Phone, Remove battery, Insert back2. Insert USB cable.
Symphony V120 Flash Umt Review
In some cases require hold BootKeyWait for phonePhone found!. Copy/move the MTKAllInOneDASP.bin to your desktop. Copy the custom DA file into the MTK boot folder. Make sure it’s renamed properly MTKAllInOneDASP. Once done, open CM2 MTK Module.
Select the MT65xx as usual. Click on Service Tab. Click FULL FACTORY(WIPE + FRP) and select FRP(Factory Reset Protection). Once done, click on Reset Settings / Format FS. If everything went well, the FRP partition will be wiped safely.If you use the, it’s now as easy as NCK MTK software.