Artwork: Chip TaylorBug fixes and security patches don't make for the most exciting Windows update, but they're the high points of Windows 7 Service Pack 1, now widely available for download.Windows 7 Service Pack 1 is now available or via Windows Update,. Windows 7 SP1 takes roughly 30 minutes to install, and you'll have to restart the computer halfway through. System requirements and detailed installation instructions can also be found.Here are the most notable changes in SP1:. A bug fix for HDMI audio devices that stopped working after restarting the computer. Corrected behavior when printing mixed-orientation XPS documents. Changed behavior of the 'Restore previous folders at logon' functionality so that all folders are restored to their previous position, rather than in cascading order based on the most recently active folders.The service pack also includes all previously released security, stability and performance updates for Windows 7. Like I said, not very exciting.But there is one interesting nugget to note if you're an enterprise user: Microsoft is that to install the final version of Internet Explorer 9, whenever it's released.
If you don't have the service pack installed, IE9 will take the liberty of installing additional operating system components that are already part of SP1. With, that's good news for IT pros who may have been reluctant to upgrade in lieu of the service pack.If you're going to update, Microsoft recommends backing up your computer to an external hard drive, DVD/CD or network location. Don't worry; Windows 7's built-in backup feature is.Follow Jared on and for even more tech news and commentary.
Update Windows 7 Sp1 Ke Sp2
Also make sure you download the correct version of Windows 7 for your needs – to find out which edition (Home Premium, Professional or Ultimate) and type (32-bit or 64-bit) you need, click Start, right-click Computer and select Properties. This downloadable file is for Windows 7 Professional SP1 64-bit users.
Start DownloadWindows 7 hingga saat ini merupakan salah satu windows yang paling banyak digunakan oleh banyak orang di dunia ini dan windows yang paling banyak dicari updatenya. Seperti biasa di gigapurbalingga ini kami selalu membagikan windows 7 terbaru setiap bulannya yang berisi update terbaru resmi dari microsoft. Nah termasuk pada bulan Oktober 2018 ini kami juga akan membagikan windows 7 terbaru yang spesial karena kami membagikan Windows 7 Sp1 AIO (All In One) yang berisi kumpulan windows 7 Sp1 32 Bit dan juga 64 Bit.Jadi anda cukup download ini dan anda akan mempunyai berbagai macam windows 7 mulai dari windows 7 Home Premium hingga windows 7 Ultimate yang berisi update terbaru dari microsoft hingga bulan Oktober tahun 2018 ini. Windows 7 yang kami bagikan ini masih original dari microsoft tanpa ada yang ditambahkan mau dikurangi. ↓. FADLIwaduh sumpah nyesel download ini windows.
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