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Googen's AddOn Pack is a general addon pack that includes the most essential addons for raiding, PvP, leveling/questing, moneymaking etc.Adittionally it includes more features and guides on how to customize your user interface even more!RECOMMENDED: Go to www.googensaddonpack.moo.no!GAP 9.1 beta can now be downloaded at www.googensaddonpack.moo.no!Table of Contents:. Basic information. AddOns included. Install Guide. Tips and Tricks. Change your WoW Cursor.

Wow Cataclysm 4.3 4 Addons Pack

Create your own WoW Icons. Blue Buttons. Hotkeys & options. Good to know.

WoW- Addon pack v.2014 by Bouriftw (4.3.4) ENJOY! + Link for download! Unsubscribe from Bouri95? Cancel Unsubscribe. Subscribe Subscribed Unsubscribe 172.

Known issues. Under development. Changelog. Contact1. Basic information:Version information:.Version: 9.0.1.Compatible with: World of Warcraft v4.3.3.Version release date: April 12th, 2012The latest version can always be found at: (and that 'a' refuses to be uppercase ).Creation date: May 29th, 2007.Website: www.googensaddonpack.moo.no.Project page on Curse: page on WoWInterface: by: Googen2. AddOns included:.

AtlasLoot Enhanced. Auctioneer. Bagnon. Chatter.

CooldownCount. Deadly Boss Mods. Deadly PvP Mods. Dominos. Gather Mate 2 (Incl.

Data). Gladius. Grid 2. NPC Scan.

Postal. Power Auras Classic. Quartz. Recount. RSA (Raeli's Spell Annoucer). ScrollingCombatText. SexyMap.

TidyPlates (with Threat Plates). TipTac.

Wow Cataclysm 4.3 4 Addons Pack Download

Titan Panel. WoW Instant Messenger. X-perl UnitFrames3.

Install Guide:1: Exit World of Warcraft. Optional: Make backups of the 'WTF' and 'Interface' folders located in the World of Warcraft directory.2: If you don't have the Curse Client installed, go to download and install the client (Requires Curse.com user).3: Open the 'Googen's AddOn Pack.ccip' file in the Googen's AddOn Pack zip and the addons will get installed.4: Copy the 'WTF' folder to the World of Warcraft directory (where WoW is installed). Replace all old files.5: Open the 'WTF' folder and rename the folders that are labeled 'RENAME xxx'. Example 'RENAME Character name' = 'Googen'.

If you have more characters, copy and rename the folders.If you don't know your accounts name (it's not the same as the Battle.net account), you can find it by looking at the 'WTF/Account' folder. If you've deleted it, you can log into WoW and it will be autmatically recreated.6: Play!If you encounter any problems, the contact information can be found at the bottom of this document.4. Tips and tricks:#4.1 Change your WoW CursorThe cursors can no longer be installed the way it used to be, and because of that, I've decided to take it out from the addon pack.However, you can download it and follow the author's install guide at:Create your own WoW IconsIt is possible to create your own icons for macros in-game, to do so, you need to place a custom picture in the Icons folder.The file(s) must be:.They must be either BLP files or 24-bit/32-bit alpha uncompressed TGA files.Their dimensions must be powers of two up to 512 (e.g.

Shadowed Unit Frames (or SUF) is a UNIT FRAME addon, NOT an addon pack. Sure, it contains other unit frames, but it is still just a unit frame addon. Units Supports unit frames are as follows: Player: Player, Pet, Pet Target General: Target, Target of Target, Target of Target of Target, Focus, Focus Target Party: Party, Party Pets, Party Targets, Party ToT Raid: Raid, Raid Pet, Main Tank, Main Tank Target, Main Assist, Main Assist Target, Boss, Boss Target, Boss ToT, Main Assist ToT, Main Tank ToT Arena: Arena, Arena Target, Arena Pets, Arena ToT Battleground: Battleground, Battleground Target, Battleground Target Direct quote from the Shadowed Unit Frames web page. If you want addon packs, look at the Curse website. They have a large selection of addon packs available.

Also, WoWInterface has them but they call them something else.