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Peer review suggested that we mesh our model manually. What should we do?Answer: Automatic and manual will produce comparable results. Manual meshing is much more time consuming. Further, the sophisticated automatic-meshing procedures of Software may even produce a more efficient and reliable mesh. Controls are available to manually refine an automatic mesh. Mesh refinement may improve the modeling and analysis of regions with stress concentrations, extreme force gradients, member connections, etc.Perhaps you could create two simple models, mesh one automatically and one manually, then demonstrate to the reviewers that the two methods produce comparable results.

This should indicate that it is not necessary to mesh the entire design manually.

Hello,I read answers of this question and everyone give his true opinion but from my 8 years design experience, I must raise first question, in which sense you are using these tools,means either steel or RCC,G+3type or High rise, New learner.

Finite Element Analysis (FEA) provides a reliable numerical technique for analyzing engineering designs. The process starts with the creation of a geometric model. Then, the program subdivides the model into small pieces of simple shapes called elements connected at common points called nodes.

The process of subdividing the model into small pieces is called meshing. Finite element analysis programs look at the model as a network of interconnected elements.Meshing is a crucial step in design analysis. The software automatically creates a mixed mesh of solid, shell and beam elements. The solid mesh is appropriate for bulky or complex 3D models. Shell elements are suitable for thin parts (like sheet metals). Beam elements are suitable for structural members.The accuracy of the solution depends on the quality of the mesh.

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In general, the finer the mesh the better the accuracy. The generated mesh depends on the following factors:. Created geometry. Active Mesh options.

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Mesh control. Contact conditions. Global element size and mesh tolerance. The software suggests a global element size and tolerance.

The global element size refers to the average length of an element edge. The number of elements increases rapidly by using a smaller global element size.

Solid MeshAll solid models mesh with solid (tetrahedral) elements.Shell MeshSurface geometries and sheet metals with uniform thickness mesh with triangular shell elements. Sheet metals defined in a drop test study mesh with solid elements.Beam MeshStructural members and weldments mesh with beam elements. You can treat an extrusion (meshes with solid elements by default) as a beam by right-clicking on the solid icon and selecting Treat as Beam.Mixed MeshWhen different geometries are present in the same model, a mixed mesh is generated.